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The Office of Mission Continuity and Risk Management helps 赌钱app可以微信提现 continue its mission during disruption or disaster and works to minimize risk for a safe campus environment.

Mission Continuity

The Office of Mission Continuity helps 赌钱app可以微信提现 continue its mission during a disruption or disaster, sustaining instruction and administration functions despite adversity. Mission continuity topics can be wide ranging and include the following:

  • Public health emergency
  • Air quality
  • Human error
  • Loss of internet or utilities
  • Media or reputation risk
  • Succession planning
  • Weather delays and closures

The Mission Continuity team provides five core services to the College:

Business Impact Analysis (BIA)
Identifies and prioritizes the College’s functions and processes to determine what will have the greatest impact should they not be available.

Program Initiation and Management
Introduces key concepts such as program management, risk awareness, identification of critical functions or processes, training and awareness, recovery strategies and exercising or testing.

Mission Continuity Strategies
Selects cost-effective strategies to reduce deficiencies identified during the risk assessment and BIA processes.

Plan Development and Implementation
Documents plans to be used during an incident that will enable the College to continue functioning. 

Incident Response Leadership
The Incident Response Team (IRT) focuses on the safety of students, faculty and staff while developing guidance and recommendations to navigate a changed work environment and determine the College’s critical needs.

Circular diagram showing mission continuity components. All information in diagram is on the page.

Mission continuity requires collaboration and partnership across the College. All staff have a role in ensuring the College’s mission is accomplished despite circumstances.

It starts with each department conducting a BIA every three years. BIAs feed into a Department Continuity Plan (DCP) which demonstrates how long a department could be without service and on what applications it depends. Both the BIA and DCP feed into the College’s overall disaster recovery plan, which lays out steps to minimize mission and business disruption.

Risk Management

The goal of the Office of Risk Management is to ensure a safe learning and working environment for students, faculty, staff and guests by identifying, assessing and controlling risks to the College. These risks could be financial, legal, digital or safety related. They also could be the result of management decisions, accidents, natural disasters or on-campus or IT security threats.

Two of Risk Management’s main tasks include:

  • Purchasing and managing property and casualty insurance policies for the College
  • Responding to and supporting workers’ compensation claims made by employees

Risk Management provides five core services:

Teaching and Outreach
Provides training and outreach to the 赌钱app可以微信提现 community to increase awareness and understanding of safety and risk concepts.

Risk Assessment
Identifies and assesses risks to determine potential impacts to 赌钱app可以微信提现’s resources and image and determines the most effective use of resources to reduce those impacts.

Incident Response Leadership
Focuses on the safety of students, faculty and staff while developing guidance and recommendations to navigate a changed work environment and determine the College’s critical needs.

Insurance and Claims
Protects the College’s assets by identifying and analyzing risk exposures and controlling those exposures by procuring insurance, preventing loss, analyzing coverage and managing claims.

Workers’ Compensation
Ensures the College has proper coverage and supports 赌钱app可以微信提现 employees who are injured while performing their work duties.

Circular diagram showing risk management components. All information in diagram is on the page.

In addition to the College being self-insured, Risk Management works with national insurance brokers and insurers to procure comprehensive and layered insurance policies to protect the College’s assets.

Both staff and students can help the College minimize risk and exposure to risk. From completing safety training to using good digital practices, from reporting injuries to increasing awareness of surroundings, everyone has an important role in ensuring a safe learning and productive work environment.

Volunteering at 赌钱app可以微信提现

Volunteers play an important role in many of our college's endeavors. Your willingness to volunteer at 赌钱app可以微信提现 and provide support to our college's mission is recognized and greatly appreciated. If you are interested in volunteering at 赌钱app可以微信提现 we need you to complete and submit a volunteer application. Once your completed application is submitted and approved by the Board of Trustees (Volunteer Policy) you may begin your volunteer duties.

For information about the volunteer AD & D insurance that 赌钱app可以微信提现 provides to volunteers, please contact Sandra Warner.

Professional Associations

U.R.M.I.A. University Risk Management and Insurance Association is a resource for risk management information for higher education.

PRIMA (Kansas City) - Public Risk and Insurance Management Association Kansas City Chapter.


Sandra Warner
Mission Continuity and Risk Management Executive Director
913-469-8500, ext. 2552GEB 161| Mailbox: 51